The Earth is getting warmer and it’s evident that facts alone do not persuade people to change their behaviour. Climate change is no longer a scientific, environmental, or sustainability problem. It’s a communications problem.
The Earth is getting warmer and it’s evident that facts alone do not persuade people to change their behaviour. Climate change is no longer a scientific, environmental, or sustainability problem. It’s a communications problem.
Create a campaign to make people accept that we have a problem with global warming and make it the number one voting issue and ELICIT ACTION to help save the planet. Brief made by the partnership of Al gore and WPP.
Motivate people to undertake a month of small pledges; with the intention to incorporate these acts into people’s lives, as well as becoming an annual ritual. Focusing on highlighting the our actions with a more productive, ‘can-do’ attitude.
Create a campaign to make people accept that we have a problem with global warming and make it the number one voting issue and ELICIT ACTION to help save the planet. Brief made by the partnership of Al gore and WPP.
Motivate people to undertake a month of small pledges; with the intention to incorporate these acts into people’s lives, as well as becoming an annual ritual. Focusing on highlighting the our actions with a more productive, ‘can-do’ attitude.
In 50 – 70 years atlantic ice caps will be gone.
95 – 100% of human activity is responsible for the earth’s greenhouse gases.
In 2006, atlantic ocean’s offshore was just 5 degrees celsius warmer than normal.
Earth’s temperature is the highest it’s been in 800,00 years, having risen to 1 degree celsius.
Ref: An Inconvenient Truth Film, Davis Guggenheim, 2006

An annual campaign that encourages people to do a month of pledges, all of which help us to improve the wellbeing of the environment.

Photography of high quality and bold text plays a big part within the web design. This is to enable the viewer to visualise the messages that are being communicated within the campaign. The first page opens to the start of articles that explain the drastic and unfortunate facts of global warming. They include: what has happened, what is happening and what’s going to happen if we don’t make a change.

Life changing news that helps the environment from around the world (mainly Government implications) is displayed to strengthen the campaign/ idea of having faith in giving your own helping hand. Due to the trend of helping the planet, more drastic changes are happening amongst Governing bodies and organisations. This is displayed to show that changes are being made, strengthening the cause.

A simple page to entice the viewer to take a small and simple pledge. Once selected, with the days that the you would like to dedicate, an estimated amount of energy that will be saved will be shown automatically.
Some examples include:
‘REACH OUT’ Speak to someone about global warming to spread the word.
‘UPCYCLE’ Turn an old, unwanted item into something new!

A simple process on the ACT NOW App, allows you to select your pledge, set a reminder for when you want to complete the task, and be informed what you’ll achieve once you’ve done it!

The campaign will encourage the pledgers to continue on social media by asking people to post what they are doing to help the environment with the hashtag #ACTNOW. With celebrities like Joanna Lumley (who supports M&S Plan B environmental programme) following the trend, it would easily aid the campaign to go global.

This page allows the viewer to see Al Gore in action in the very scary but real ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ as well as other conference videos. These are placed to encourage the pledgers by hearing the environmentalist explain the unfortunate reality that is global warming, to motivate the viewer to take a pledge and find out the facts.

Sharing the accomplishments of what the participants have achieved worldwide, demonstrates what people can accomplish on all scales. With the option to share your own story. It allows the pledger to gain faith and confidence in their ability to heal the planet, and gives them the potential to inspire others to make their own contribution. This highlights the most popular pledges that help the environment, and gives inspiration to the readers.